Being Fully Alive
vol: #13 I have a confession to make. I am an avid people watcher. I always have been, I am currently and I probably always will be. My earliest memories stretching back through time and space, are of me watching people. For me watching people was a survival mechanism. I was in Gan 3 (Nursery school) in Israel and I didn't speak a word of Hebrew. The Gannent (Nursery teacher) would do morning calisthenics with the children, and I had no idea what she was saying. Only after did I see all the other children jump up and down would I understand through some deep personal reflections, that I too was supposed to jump up and down. By then she had moved on to the next instruction. Causing me t to feel lost, unbalanced, and constantly feeling the need to play catch up. To this day I have trouble following instructions, especially from aerobic instructors. I need the instructor to call my name giving me one instruction at a time....very s-l-o...