
Showing posts from March, 2023

Parellel Moments on the Spiral of Life

  vol: #14 We talk about life as a circle.  The thing with a circle is that you always end up where you started.  Sorry Disney - Lion King but I believe life to be more like "The Spiral of Life".  On this spiral of life, we are always on a journey, where we sometimes meet ourselves in parallel situations. I had a "parallel moment" recently on this wonderful journey of the spiral of life, and it was such an Illuminating moment that I thought it worthy of sharing. As a young child every Sunday afternoon, we would pile into our family car and go visit my grandparents, in the home where my father and his siblings grew up.  Every Sunday we would arrive d I would head straight for the piano.  The same piano that my father had played himself as a child.  Me and my brother would spend hours banging out note after note in a stunning show of non-musical talent.  I don't know why my family put up with it, perhaps they were hoping that our senseless banging w...