Parellel Moments on the Spiral of Life



We talk about life as a circle.  The thing with a circle is that you always end up where you started.  Sorry Disney - Lion King but I believe life to be more like "The Spiral of Life".  On this spiral of life, we are always on a journey, where we sometimes meet ourselves in parallel situations.

I had a "parallel moment" recently on this wonderful journey of the spiral of life, and it was such an Illuminating moment that I thought it worthy of sharing.

As a young child every Sunday afternoon, we would pile into our family car and go visit my grandparents, in the home where my father and his siblings grew up.  Every Sunday we would arrive d I would head straight for the piano.  The same piano that my father had played himself as a child.  Me and my brother would spend hours banging out note after note in a stunning show of non-musical talent.  I don't know why my family put up with it, perhaps they were hoping that our senseless banging would one day lead to the uncovering of a deep-rooted musical talent.  Turns out it is still undiscovered.

Years later I inherited the family piano more because my grandmother needed a place to house it than because I showed any sort of musical talent.  I admit that I don't play to this day but I do feel a complete and total lack in my soul that I don't know how to make music on this beautiful instrument.  I do however have a deep emotional attachment to my piano.  So much so that when my parents came to Israel I demanded that my piano which I don't play be brought on their lift.

My piano arrived out of tune and in need of minor and major repairs. - so much that it would have cost close to 10,000 shekels to repair a piano that I don't play.  So it sits in my house, and my children have all taken their turn banging on the keys of this ancient family heirloom.  Some have even learned to play this puzzling instrument and have even managed to make this dusty, old-tune piano sing.

The years have marched on and both I and my piano have become a little more dusty and we are both showing signs of wear and tear.  In the meantime, I have become a grandmother, and recently I opened the piano and placed my eldest grandson on the piano stool. the same stool as his ancestors before him.  My grandson grasped the idea of banging and making a lot of noise -like the genius that he is. It occurred to me that this ordinary moment was in fact a grand moment. on the spiral of life.

Here was my grandson at his grandmother's house playing on the same piano that I had played on at my grandmother's house.  How often do these moments occur and how often are we lucky enough to pay attention to them?  And oh how precious they are!

Recently it was the shloshim (30-day anniversary) for my other grandmother (A"lh)  She has moved on to a world of good and truth. I took out a prayer that I had handwritten for all grandparents worldwide (never thinking that one day I would merit joining this elite club), reworded it, designed it, and printed it. here is a sample of what it looks like.  

Because these moments on the spiral of life are so fleeting, so special and so precious they need a way to be engraved in us at every time.

Here is a sample of what it looks the grandparent prayer looks like. 

To order your personal copy for those special  people in your life, contact me at:

Have yourselves a Qwerki & Inspirational Day


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