My Never Ending Love Affair With Pain and Stupidity

        It began when I was 14.  I found them calling me, beckoning me from the glass window beyond.  black suede ankle boots with a square heel and pointed slightly rounded toe. I was in love.  I saw no other, I heard no other, I wanted no other.  And that moment when I brought them home from the store I knew that there was no other. The moment I put them on my feet however I was brought down to earth with the pain-stabbing reality check given to me by my feet. My feet were sending me that achy crunchy squished feeling when you are indeed wearing shoes that should not be on your feet.  My feet knew right away what my infatuated brain could not yet accept. . These shoes as beautiful as they were - should have stayed on the shelf in the shoe store.  And my bewitched mind immediately began to make excuses why these exquisite beauties were not living up to what I imagined them to be. "New shoes are always stiff."  "I'll break them in" "the suede will stretch." I had every excuse for these prized booties.  The fact of the matter was that every time I put them on my feet screamed "Stop! For the love of us -your  lovely feet, don't put them on!" I wore those lovely boots through thick and through thin until there were more holes than boots on my feet, and throughout it all, I kept convincing myself that "one day they would be comfortable."  The day never came and finally, I had to throw them out. 

        Next came red knee-high suede boots. Having thought I learned my lesson these were totally flat. And RED! How I loved them.  Nothing compares to a first love except a second love who is more dashing, more daring, and more delightful than the first. While these weren't exactly comfortable they were infinitely more tolerable than their predecessors.  However, the first rains came and I was literally walking on water.  The thin sole came apart and my heart broke again. 

        I mourned and thought I was through until a few years later in the back of an old shop I saw them.  These were almost thigh-high black suede granny lace-up boots with an almost 3-inch heel! They made my heart pitter-patter like no other and I thought we had found eternal happiness.  Never mind that they didn't really fit, never mind that they took almost half an hour to lace up, never mind that my feet had swollen up almost to the size of California. I had found eternal bliss- except that it was more like eternal blis-ters.  One time while wearing these pains of love, I sprained my ankle. My foot had swollen so badly I couldn't take them off.   and After hours of agonizing pain, I swore off boots for life.  

        I was doing fine with my aversion to uncomfortable boots when a few years ago I saw a pair casually sitting on the shelf.  It was almost as if they had a life of their own.   I felt them winking at me. Beckoning me.  "We're over here." They seemed to say. "Come on and check us out. You know you want to" And I felt the old sensations return in full power. I felt hypnotized by their hold on me. Casually I asked what size are they? Hoping I would be able to break free because they would not be in my size. "40" The saleslady answered me  The boots looked at me knowingly. I held my breath. "How much are they?" "End of season sale." was the response. "These boots are reduced to half price." I should have run. Run and never looked back. I should have realized I was in dangerous territory. But I touched them, I ran my fingers over the black suede almost hypnotically.   Without really thinking about it I tried one on, and the next thing I knew I was pulling out my credit card.

        I came home dazed, unsteady, and full of dreams for the future.  "Look" I showed my family. "Arent' they gorgeous?" A universal and resounding "NO" couldn't dampen my spirit.  However, when I tried both of them on, I discovered a fatal truth.  My left foot is fatter than my right and wouldn't go in.  My big toe just got through and that was it. Did I back down? Oh no. That would have been logical. By then I was in the full throes of a serious addiction.
I did know that my feet were in agony every time I tried to put them on.  Which prompted the following Qwerki Quote.  

And I still didn't listen.  It took me 2 and half years to get both feet into these horrible contraptions.  My feet were still in agony but I was higher than a kite.  I even wrote myself an Inspirational thought thinking that maybe I would listen to that side of my brain. and still, I persisted in my folly.

Recently I wore them. I literally put them on and started weeping.  They hurt me so much I couldn't even walk straight. I was limping the whole 20 steps I took.  Finally, my brain woke up from its long-lost slumber and screamed "THROW THEM OUT! NOW!" I  knew that if I didn't take immediate and drastic action I would be held captive forever. With one hand I clutched my heart and with one hand I tremblingly clutched the boots and ...threw them into the trash!  I am done and like the great Martin Luther King said: 
"We are free at last!"
At least I was until I saw these.

Qwerki Quotes and Inspirational Thoughts are daily conversations that I had with myself to make my day a lot lighter and my smile a little wider. Help me do the same thing to yours.


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