The not so Begining.

Most people start at the beginning. And I admit that might have been the logical thing to do, but most times logic eludes me like the mysterious cleaning fairy who has yet to show me her broom. So having thrown logic to the wind I can now announce the result. My book is out!!  Qwerki Quotes & Inspirational Thoughts is an eternal calendar that gives daily humor and inspiration. So the question is why write something like this? Who needs this type of calendar and what am I trying to achieve with this? Such great questions! And I will answer them, one by one.  

Why write something like this? Well as someone who struggles with sadness almost daily, (and I'm not talking about mild "oh the sun isn't shiny today" type of sadness. Not belittling that type of sadness, but I'm talking about mind-numbing and totally engulfing sadness. I'm talking about the type of sadness that overwhelms, overpowers, and overtakes me.) and as  I struggle to pick myself up from that place of darkness and despair  I have found that humor- even if it is one silly thought can lift me up from that endless black pit that I sometimes find myself in.  And so I laugh or chuckle or smile or even roll my eyes upwards and I have a moment of relief, but then what? I need something that will pick me up and push me forward. It is not enough to have a moment's reprieve from this bone-crushing sadness that I feel. I also need something to take me out. Lift me out. Push me onward, upward, and skyward.  Thus the combination of Humor and Inspiration.  The birth of Qwerki Quotes and Inspirational Thoughts.

Next Question:

Who needs something like this?

Well. The first person that I can name is myself. I need something like this. And something like this didn't exist so I had to create it. Ta-Da!  Other people who can benefit from this type of calendar are people who are facing their own personal and private challenges and hell.  This was in fact created in memory of a great friend who battled an almost 10-year war with cancer. Yet she was always upbeat always finding something to laugh about and never letting her cancer beat her down.  While creating this calendar it occurred to me that people who are going through chemo and other treatments could also benefit from having a handy book that would allow them some relief from the dark cloud that might hang above their heads and so this became my mission and my way to honor my friend: Create a book that will help other people who are facing the same thing.

Lastly: what am I trying to achieve with this?

Ultimately I want to achieve world peace. But I'll settle (in the meantime ) for just making someone's day a little easier. a little brighter a little less heavy.  It is so important to laugh, it is so important to have something that will push you forward. Hoping I can have a little part in that.

Today's Qwerki Quote and & Inspirational Thought

To order your copy please be in touch with me at

I am as always



  1. Amazing Tova!!! Of course i want one!

    1. Thank you! I can't see with whom I am writing. Please let me know with whom I have the pleasure.


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