
The Struggles

Two weeks ago I wrote about my fears. I wrote about my fear of cats, and how when someone told me that they are actually a good thing it changed my perspective. And thus my fear. I wrote about my fear of inaction. And how taking action cures - and alienates the fear. And I wrote about my fear of failing and how I'd remind myself of all the good things that are done all the promises that I've kept to myself and to others and it helps me to push forward. This week I want to address 3 of the things I struggle daily with. I feel that struggling with something is harder sometimes than failing at something. When I fail at something I can pick myself up and learn the lesson and move on. Struggles are daily tests. Sometimes I win and sometimes I don't. Time is a big issue for me. Ever since my birth (my mother constantly and consistently reminds me how hot it was, how late I was, and how heavy I was.) I feel like I am playing a perverse game of catch-up. Catching with events, prog...

Fear and Beyond

I haven't written in a while, not because I have nothing to say, I have lots to say. Tons of thoughts that are milling around in my head  waiting for an audience to share them with. No  I haven't written more because I have nothing to write. Or rather the words and thoughts  that are waiting to be shared so elequontly   vanish when they reach the paper leaving me  staring at the vast amount of empty and white space that I have to fill. There are times when I feel I can write novels - literally write great novels that have high literacy great emotional content in hours. When hand,  ink and paper flow beautifully together with perfect beauty, balance and harmony. Everything works together in cohesion, congruency and consistency. Tinkers   to Evers to Chance. Triple play. Then there are those times when the the white space seems unconquerable, endless and choppy. Those times when nothing flows, nothing goes and I feel uncoordinated, off balance...

Parellel Moments on the Spiral of Life

  vol: #14 We talk about life as a circle.  The thing with a circle is that you always end up where you started.  Sorry Disney - Lion King but I believe life to be more like "The Spiral of Life".  On this spiral of life, we are always on a journey, where we sometimes meet ourselves in parallel situations. I had a "parallel moment" recently on this wonderful journey of the spiral of life, and it was such an Illuminating moment that I thought it worthy of sharing. As a young child every Sunday afternoon, we would pile into our family car and go visit my grandparents, in the home where my father and his siblings grew up.  Every Sunday we would arrive d I would head straight for the piano.  The same piano that my father had played himself as a child.  Me and my brother would spend hours banging out note after note in a stunning show of non-musical talent.  I don't know why my family put up with it, perhaps they were hoping that our senseless banging w...

Being Fully Alive

  vol: #13 I have a confession to make. I am an avid people watcher.  I always have been, I am currently and I probably always will be. My earliest memories stretching back through time and space, are of me watching people. For me watching people was a survival mechanism. I was in Gan 3 (Nursery school) in Israel and I didn't speak a word of Hebrew.   The Gannent  (Nursery teacher) would do morning calisthenics with the children, and I had no idea what she was saying. Only after did I see all the other children jump up and down would I understand through some deep personal reflections, that I too was supposed to jump up and down.  By then she had moved on to the next instruction.  Causing me t to feel lost, unbalanced, and constantly feeling the need to play catch up. To this day I have trouble following instructions, especially from aerobic instructors.  I  need the instructor to call my name giving me one instruction at a time....very s-l-o...

The Laughter that Freed me From Stigmas.

     vol:#12 Chodesh Tov Everyone!  According to the Hebrew calendar, we are now entering the new month of Adar. It is a month where we celebrate the miracle of Purim (yes, a one-day holiday has turned into a month of celebrations...) As a mother, Rosh Chodesh Adar marks a dual purpose on my calendar of life. 1) It marks the end of the school year. Yes, I know the school year ends in June, but from here on in it is just one party, one celebration after another.  So what my children have learned till now- I'm grateful for, anything that they might learn after this is a bonus. The other thing that  Rosh Chodesh Adar marks is when I actually have to wake up and start planning Pesach not just denying its imminent arrival. I love the month of Adar. I don't love all the balagan (sorry there is no real translation for that word, basically it means mess, but it's much deeper, much wider, and much more all-inclusive than just your ordinary mess), and the stress that...

Potenially Shared Realities

   vol:#11 Last week I spoke about people having different realities  ( and this week I want to speak about potentially shared realities. There is something very unifying about bad weather. In a country where everyone has at least 30 different opinions about topics they know nothing about, bad weather is something that we can all agree on. "Hey, what about the rain?" (as a Canadian I automatically add "eh" to this sentence, but Israelis have not been educated to the wonders of adding "eh" to all your sentences.) "I hear we might get snow this week." "Yeah I heard that too" Not to mention the earthquake that we had. "You feel the earthquake?" "Yea, you?   "Yea totally." Somehow when bad weather hits all of Israel can stand together and agree. And we talk about the weather with such passion and excitement it is almost as if we are talking po...

Reality and Duality

                                                                        Vol : #10     Last week on my blog I wrote about one of the first memories I had in Israel and  I shared a sweet remembrance about my grandparents bringing me to Jerusalem.   Little did I know how much my world would change in one week.  Last week on Monday my grandmother was still alive and there was still that faint hope that she would come out of her coma.  Last Wednesday my grandmother returned her pure soul to her maker after living a full and Rich life. My grandmother Left Behind more than 70 direct descendants,  which is such an amazing life accomplishment.    this week the blog falls on a Jewish holiday called Tu Bi-shvat a lot of the holiday concentrates on the rejuvenation an...