Birthing Self Love Through Inspirational Thoughts

Birthing Inspirational Thoughts

Last week I wrote about how Qwerki Quotes got started. I wrote about the importance of laughter When facing trials and tribulations. And how laughter is the best medicine there is and of course how my friend Rachel (z"l) was the "Qi Force" behind the creation of Qwerki Quotes. In this week's blog, I want to share The second part of the equation -how the inspirational Thought of the day got started. And why I see it as just as critical. Inspirational Thoughts came at a time when my life and my marriage felt heavy, toxic, weighted, and stuck. My husband and I were in one of those ridiculous fights that had no rhyme, no reason, and no purpose. I can't tell you how it started- what the exact words were that ignited the fire (I said, he said we said) I only know how it could have ended. As ridiculous as our fight was,  it was one of our defining fights in our long and rich history of disagreements. Had we not sought out help and worked together to find a solution it would have been our final fight as a married couple. (Yes it was that bad..) and in the midst of this estrangement between my beloved and myself, I felt this choking, knotted sensation in the pit of my stomach. And I asked myself: "Tova, what do you need?"  And I answered myself: "I need a love letter". At that moment I had a need to feel loved and cherished. Now I was on my mountain top, and my husband was on his. We were worlds apart, in every meaning. And there was no way my husband would have written me a love letter at that time and there is no way I would have asked him for one. Ego is the greatest obstacle to satisfying a need. And a voice deep from within me said: Tova write your own love letter! As in writing a love letter to yourself! I had to ask myself to repeat the instruction, as I wasn't sure I heard correctly. Who writes love letters to themselves??  And I being patient and loving with myself (because what else can I be) repeated the instruction again. So feeling like the most pathetic person EVER, I started writing to myself. "Dear Tova, you are such an amazingly wonderful,  beautiful, sexy, and charming person... And everything else I needed to hear.  Afterward, I felt the knot in my stomach lessen a little bit and I felt like the world wasn't such a black and dark place after all. The next day my husband and I were still on our separate mountain tops, we were still worlds away.  My writing a love letter to myself didn't solve our marital problems, nor did it bring about world peace, much to my shock and dismay.  it did however give me the resolution and drive to sit down and write another love letter to myself. And so I did. This time feeling less foolish and less pathetic.  After writing love letters to myself for a week I began to understand the power of loving yourself. Completely, totally and unconditionally. I began to understand that I can not begin to love, accept and understand somebody else until I love,  accept and understand myself. I am still a student in this school called life. I am still learning, still exploring, and still growing. The love that I have developed for myself is something that I want everyone to experience for themselves. This was the birth of Inspirational Thoughts. In next week's blog, I will share why I paired Qwerki Quotes and Inspirational Thoughts
together and why I continue to pair them together to form Q-I.



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