Most people start at the beginning. And I admit that might have been the logical thing to do, but most times logic eludes me like the mysterious cleaning fairy who has yet to show me her broom. So having thrown logic to the wind I can now announce the result. My book is out!! Qwerki Quotes & Inspirational Thoughts is an eternal calendar that gives daily humor and inspiration. So the question is why write something like this? Who needs this type of calendar and what am I trying to achieve with this? Such great questions! And I will answer them, one by one. Why write something like this? Well as someone who struggles with sadness almost daily, (and I'm not talking about mild "oh the sun isn't shiny today" type of sadness. Not belittling that type of sadness, but I'm talking about mind-numbing and totally engulfing sadness. I'm talking about the type of sadness that overwhelms, overpowers, and overtakes me.) and as I struggle to pick myself up from that p...
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