Third Party Intervention Failures

This week's blog is a glimpse into my marriage.  I don't know how many of you know but we are celebrating 25 years this week. A True Milestone and we're so grateful to have reached the silver. It wasn't always clear that we would reach this milestone.   Like any marriage, we have our ups we have our downs, and we even have Big Downs. Even now reaching this Milestone we're still not the perfect couple.                       
 There is a very important lesson though that I learned early on and I want to share it with you. Early in our marriage, We had this big big disagreement. It seems trivial but we actually needed third-party intervention. and since then our marriage has been on a different level.

 I am a super duper believer in the concept of breathing. My husband? Not so much. I mean obviously, he likes to breathe because the alternative is not so great, but at night he likes to be buried in his blankets. Me? I need air. Fresh air. As in lots of fresh air. As in the window Has To Be Open. All the time. Now it so happened that one time (out of many)  my husband was sick. Husband's when they are sick....well we all know what happens, so there is no need to expand right?  So my husband in his "dying" state dragged himself to the Doctor. "I'm dying," He told the doctor "and it's my wife's fault". When the doctor asked why my husband replied and said: "I'm sick, I'm dying and my wife insists on having the window open". The doctor examined the "dying" patient and then pronounced her verdict:  "You are not dying." He was told without mercy or compassion. Furthermore, this beautiful angel told my husband exactly what he needed to hear: "You should thank your wife for insisting that the window be, open." She said. "otherwise you would be sicker, and the window should stay open." 

My husband had no choice but to listen since we agreed that he would adhere to whatever she said.  

Since then the window has stayed open. But here's the thing, I never realized just how cold nights in January can be... especially with the window open.  I do not care to mention just how cold I am🥶 (ego you know) never mind that maybe just maybe we should close the window.

 My husband however is blessed with intelligence and compassion and has seen me shake, shiver, and turn blue and on his own initiative has gone and closed the window. But there is no such thing as a free ride. because while I might not freeze to death, my husband will always give me a look that I take to mean: that he is putting his life in mortal peril so that I can be comfortable. I have learned to deal. 

The following quotes are from moments in my marriage.  If you want to be part of my group that receives daily messages of humor and inspiration, send me a message. I can be reached on Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp. Drop me a line! 

Till next week I hope you have a Qwerki and Inspirational week:



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